The Chantier is a key forum for a wide variety of social economy stakeholders. It circulates essential information on multiple subjects linked to the development of the social economy, including:
- Actions of the Chantier and its partners
- Evolution of public policy
- Events throughout Québec
The Chantier is also engaged in supporting strategic partnerships among those who do business, enable, and intervene in the social economy.
Members are invited to participate in the annual general meeting. Members review the past year and collectively decide on priorities for future action. It is also an excellent occasion for meeting, discussions, and solidarity.
Members can also, within their electoral colleges, stand for election to the Chantier’s Board of Directors. The Board of Directors’ role is one of strategic orientation and positioning. It is made up of representatives elected from the following electoral colleges:
- Neworks of social economy enterprises
- Social economy enterprises
- Networks and organizations that support social economy development
- Poles of the Social Economy
- Labour union federations and members of these federations
- Social movements
- Québec-wide First Nations and Inuit networks and their member groups
- Youth network
The Chantier de l’économie sociale is a dynamic structure. It brings together the major players of civil society who adhere to the values of democracy and solidarity. The fact that women and men who work in the social economy and represent diverse sectors and regions participate in the decision-making process is a remarkable asset that enables the Chantier to face the challenges confronting us daily.
A forum for discussion and reflection
The Chantier’s Board of Directors has created three standing working groups.
Financial instruments and Capitalization Strategies Committee
Chair of the Board of Directors
Frédéric Lalande
Coalition des organismes communautaires pour le développement de la main-d’œuvre (COCDMO)
** Chair – Member of Executive Committee
Béatrice Alain
Executive Director
**Member of Executive Committee
Networks of social economy enterprises
Matthieu Pieguay
Réseau de la coopération du travail
Éric Tétreault
Association des radiodiffuseurs communautaires du Québec (ARCQ)
Amélie Landry
Réseau des Centres de ressources périnatales du Québec
Geneviève Bélisle
Association québécoise des CPE (AQCPE)
**Member of Executive Committee
Raymond Gouin
Conseil québécois des entreprises adaptées (CQEA)
Richard Gravel
Collectif des entreprises d’insertion du Québec
**Treasurer – Member of Executive Committee
Vincent Marcoux
Association québécoise des centres d’intervention de dépendance
Richard Foy
Réseau québécois des OSBL d’habitation (RQOH)
Associations of social economy development organizations and agencies that support social economy development
Éric Cimon
Association des groupes de ressources techniques du Québec
**Member of Executive Committee
Karole Forand
Regroupement des CDEC du Québec
**2st vice-chair – Member of Executive Committee
Claude Dorion
MCE Conseils
Ahmed Benboyzid
Frédéric Lalande
Coalition des organismes communautaires pour le développement de la main-d’œuvre (COCDMO)
**Chair – Member of Executive Committee
Poles of the Social Economy
Anyle Côté
Conseil d’économie sociale de l’île de Montréal (CESIM)
Lynn O’Cain
Pôle d’économie sociale Mauricie
Louiselle Luneau
Pôle d’économie sociale de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Émilie Lavoie-Gagnon
Pôle régional d’économie sociale du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean
Félix Buissières
Pôle des entreprises d’économie sociale de la région de la Capitale-Nationale
**Secretary – Member of Executive Committee
Labour union federations and members of these federations
Marie-Hélène Bonin
Confédération des syndicats nationaux – CSN
Stéphane Hudon
Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (FTQ)
Social economy enterprises
Laurent Levesque
Unité de travail pour l’implantation de logement étudiant – UTILE
** Member of Executive Committee
Québec-wide First Nations and Inuit networks and their member groups
Mickel Robertson
Commission du développement économique des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador
Social movements
Éric Lord
Réseau des Conseils régionaux de la culture du Québec
Sonia Vaillancourt
Conseil québécois du loisir
**1nd vice-chair – Member of Executive Committee
Marie-Line Audet
Table nationale des Corporations de développement communautaire (TNCDC)
Vanessa Desrosiers
Union étudiante (UEQ)
Statutory members
Jacques Charest
Fiducie du Chantier de l’économie sociale
Odette Trépanier
Comité sectoriel de main-d’œuvre de l’économie sociale et de l’action communautaire (CSMO-ÉSAC)
Philippe Garant
Réseau d’investissement social du Québec (RISQ)
Vincent Van Schendel
Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire – TIESS
Youth Wing
Solen Martin-Déry (interim period)
Honorary members
Marguerite Mendell
École d’Affaires publiques et communautaires, Université Concordia
Youth Wing
In February 2016, the Board of Directors adopted the new reference framework of the Chantier’s Youth Committee. Now known as the Youth Wing, it may include any Chantier member (individual or organizational) aged 35 or younger. The Youth Wing votes on priorities at an annual meeting. These priorities are shared with the rest of the movement, through the Chantier’s Board of Directors.
The role of the Chantier de l’économie sociale’s Youth Wing is to coordinate the actors of the social economy movement, especially those in the 35 and younger age group. Its activities reinforce the Chantier de l’économie sociale’s role as a hub. In this way, it helps to promote collective entrepreneurship among the young.
The Youth Wing also plays a representative role in various bodies of the Chantier de l’économie sociale, other social economy actors, and, when mandated by the Chantier’s Board of Directors, in local, regional, governmental, and sectoral bodies. The Youth Wing takes on responsibilities delegated by the Board and may also challenge the Board on certain issues or propose a position on others.
The Youth Wing is mainly composed of young people who are involved in or interested in the social economy. It is also open to representatives of organizations that work with young people.
The Youth Wing seeks to be representative of Québec society in its composition, in particular, by reflecting gender equality and cultural diversity.
>> The Youth Wing votes on priorities at an annual meeting. These priorities are shared with the rest of the movement, through the Chantier’s Board of Directors.
>> To be entitled to vote at this meeting an individual must be a member of the Chantier de l’économie sociale.
>> Members at the annual meeting elect an Executive Committee composed of seven individuals. This committee serves as the Youth Wing of the Chantier and is responsible for acting on the priorities.
>> The Executive Committee is composed of four (4) positions with two (2) year terms and predetermined tasks (Presidency, Head of External and Institutional Affairs, Content Manager, Communications and Events Manager). In addition to these four positions, three (3) to four (4) positions are appointed for a term of one (1) year with no predetermined duties.
Financial instruments and Capitalization Strategies Committee
The mission of the Financial instruments and Capitalization Strategies Committee is to provide an overall vision, to ensure that the actions of the financial structures related to the Chantier are consisten among the Chantier’s related parties, and to advise the Chantier’s Board of Directors regarding the implementation of new strategies and initiatives in the field of capitalization.
- Ensure that representatives of the different governance bodies have an overall view of the actions and directions associated with the financial instruments
- Propose strategies and actions to improve social economy enterprises’ access to capitalization
- Ensure cohesiveness between the Chantier de l’économie sociale’s different financial instruments, while considering the respective governance bodies’ responsibilities and powers
- Ensure follow-up and consistency in the Chantier’s participation (via its financial instruments) in CAP Finance and other bodies in the area of enterprise financing and investment, and in the work of communication and representation to public authorities and other internal and external partners.
The committee is composed of representatives of member networks appointed by the Chantier’s Board to serve with the governance structures and senior management of the financial instruments.
International Committee
The mandate of the International Committee is to advise the Chantier’s Board on its priorities for its international work and to ensure follow-up on orientations and actions adopted by the Board. It is also involved in presenting and promoting the social and solidarity economy on every continent.
In addition, the International Committee, shall, the extent that it is possible, support the development of international partnerships initiated by members of the Chantier de l’économie sociale.
- Make recommendations on the priorities regarding the Chantier’s international work
- Participate in the success of international initiatives proposed by the Chantier and its members
– organize international meetings,
– host foreign delegations,
– ensure the Chantier’s representation in various international activities. - Monitor the Chantier’s participation in the Réseau intercontinental de promotion de l’économie sociale et solidaire (RIPESS) and make recommendations as neededRespond to occasional requests of the Board